those moments when...

I become grumpy.
I find it hard to smile.
I become oversensitive. even a not-really-sad MV can make me cry. I can cry even for no reason.
I feel insecure.
I get angry easily.
I avoid talking to people.
I can be very needy.
I am just uninterested about everything.
I become hormonal and have mood swings.
I complain and rant a lot about petty things.
I can be very, very mean.
I look tensed all the time.
I get hungry easily.
I eat a lot.
I... the list can go on and on.

oh well, these are the moments when I have... er, you know, that time of the month.
I guess I have to try my best not to let it affects me so much. huhu.

Post Scriptum 1:
why is PMS Pre-Menstrual Syndrom? I mean, it's not like we're having those symptoms only before that time of the month. it's usually during that time, right?

Post Scriptum 2:
Do you think you will become moody during your time of the month if no one told you that you would?

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